Simple Backyard Homestead Self-Study Course for Grades 3-8



This 8 Class Self-Paced course is designed to simplify the idea of “modern homesteading” with practical ideas for students to apply at home…wherever they live.

The first weekly module will be available June 27, 2024.

Designed for elementary or middle school students, this class leads students and families in an exciting study and discussion of the topic of homesteading. 

Oftentimes, individuals want to learn or use more practical skills, but they don’t know where to start or feel like they need to go out and buy a bunch of things to start.

This course helps you start where you…. with what you have without needing to buy a bigger piece of land, invest in expensive equipment or become a farmer.

Start your homesteading adventure today! 

Included in this course are: 

  • 8 Class Lessons
  • Worksheets and Planner Pages to Build Your Homestead Notebook
  • Activities to Support each lesson’’s topic
  • Videos 
  • Coloring pages
  • Games
  • and more!


Topics we Will Cover in the Course Include: 

What Is Your Homestead?

Discover what it means to create a homestead and how you can turn your own home, no matter its size, into a thriving, self-sustaining environment. Learn to identify and utilize the resources around you to start your homesteading journey. Learn the history of homesteading, draw your own and make a homesteading notebook! 

Why Learn How to Homestead?

In this lesson, we explore the benefits of learning life skills. Looking down the road, we talk about how life skills help us try new things, build confidence and help other people. Take an inventory of all the homestead skills you already have and choose a few more you would like to learn! 

Reusing & Recycling

Explore the importance of reusing and recycling materials to reduce waste and save resources. Get creative with fun projects that turn everyday items into useful tools and decorations for your homestead.


Understand the value of sharing with your family, your neighbors and the community and how cooperative efforts can enhance your homesteading experience. Learn practical benefits of sharing and ways to exchange goods, services, and knowledge with neighbors and friends to build a supportive network.

Growing Your Own Food

Dive into the basics of gardening and discover how easy and rewarding it is to grow your own fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Learn simple steps to get started growing your own food with whatever space you have.  This includes a FULL garden planner! Value of $14.99

Cooking & Preserving Your Own Food

Learn the benefits of cooking your own food and some simple methods of preserving foods. Uses grocery store items. 

Raising Animals

Discover the basics of raising small animals such as chickens, rabbits, or bees to produce your own eggs, meat, or honey. Learn about the care, feeding, and benefits of having animals on your homestead, even in small spaces.

Giving Homemade Gifts

One of the fun side benefits of homesteading is that you can learn how to make all kinds of things that are great gifts. In this lesson we will make a couple of simple gifts and talk about the benefits of homemade gifts.

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